Posted diciembre 6, 2022
Dear Montclair Families,
We hope you had a restful fall break! As cold weather approaches, please make sure your students are dressed for the cold conditions. If the weather is clear (not actively raining or snowing) and above 30 degrees, students will be outside in the morning until 8:00 and outside for recess. Make sure to send students with warm coats, hats, and gloves!
Message from the School Nurse
As the weather is changing and the flu and cold season is upon us I would like to share the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s (CDPHE) guidance for when to keep your children home from school. As a nation, we are experiencing higher-than-average rates of respiratory infections much earlier in the season than in past years. It is important to understand how you can keep your family and the families in your community safe from illness by staying home when you are not feeling well. Please use the link to “How Sick is Too Sick” before sending your children to school. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to connect with the Montclair School Nurse: Meg Blauth, RN. Health Office Phone: 720-424-5425 Email:
Vaccinations can help protect your child from illness. If your child needs the flu, Covid-19, or any of the required vaccines for school, then visit one of the many Denver Health School-based Health Centers that provide free healthcare to all students. They provide appointments for Well-Child Checks and other physical examinations, including dental and vision as well. Please call 303-602-8958 or go to
to schedule an appointment and find a location near you.
Message From the Front Office
We would like to thank all of the families that participate in our Canned Food Drive. We are so honored that so many of you thought of us and took the time to donate. So great to see our Cougar Community SHINE!!
*If your child is out ill, please make sure to leave a message on the school’s attendance line and not with the health office.
*Parents, please ensure your students have their watch phones and cell phones on school mode and/or silenced.
PEAK – Parents. Educators. Kids. Organization
We were excited to welcome community members, Parents, and teachers. Our goal is to build community through events for all and fundraising to support the school and our enrichment program. Please join us for the next PEAK meeting on 1/18/22.
PEAK Events
Craft Day 12/10/22
All families are welcome to join us in the gym for our winter craft extravaganza from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm! Crafts will include cookie decoration, snowflake creation, winter paper chains, and personalized angles. We will also play the movie Home Alone!! Popcorn and drinks are provided. The suggested donation is $2.00 per kiddo. We look forward to seeing you there!!
Dads Read 12/18 10:00 – 10:30
This an opportunity for dads, grandpas, step-fathers, and those who would like to participate in an online reading event with our Assistant Principal Mr. Williams. The first 30 participants who sign up through the front office will receive a copy of the book and meeting link!
Giving Tree
The Giving Tree is available by the main office. If you would like to help our school community by picking up a tag or two, sign up will be at the Front Office. Gifts need to be wrapped and returned no later than 12/14. We appreciate your generosity and commitment to Montclair!
No school for students Dec 19, 2022– Jan 3, 2023
Students will be returning to school on Wednesday, January 4th
Parents’ student early pickup ends at 2:45 PM.
Please pick up your little learners before 2:45 or after 3:05.
School Wide Up-Coming Events
Winterfest – December 15
Spirit Week- December 12-16, details to follow
Optional Student support group
We are excited that a GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance) will be one of Montclair’s student groups this year. This group is student-led and for individuals who are in the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning) community and their allies. Meetings will be facilitated by our school psychologist, Ms. Ayla, and school counselor Ms. Peguero, and focus on building community and discussing issues that affect all students. Right now, the group is open to all 4th and 5th-grade students who want to join and will be starting the week of October 3rd during the school day. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Ayla at or Ms. Peguero at
DPS Parent Links:
Translation & Interpretation
To request translation and interpretation services, please contact your school’s main office. Click here to see a list of schools and contact information. For questions, please email or call 720-423-3767.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Be well,
Susan and AJ