Parent Letter January 13th

Posted enero 19, 2023

Dear Montclair Families

NO SCHOOL on   Jan 16, 2023  in celebration of 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Students will be returning to school on Tuesday, January 17th. 

Here are some little known facts about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • King Entered College At the Age of 15 *Morehouse College*.
  •  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Cesar Chavez are the Only Americans to Have Had Their Birthdays Observed as a National Holiday.

Join Team DPS at the Jan. 16 Parade in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Join DPS Board Members at 9 a.m. at the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial in City Park on Monday, Jan. 16! The program will begin at 9:30 a.m. and the march will kick off at 10:45 a.m., then participants will walk together to Civic Center Park. 

The celebrations will continue with activities all week long (Jan. 16-20) as we honor and live out our Shared Core Values. Learn more about spirit week and other ways to live our values here.

Pick-Up and Drop-Off 

School begins at 8:00 AM

School doors will open at  7:55 AM

School ends at 3:05 PM.  

If you are running late, please call the front office at 720-424-5380. 

Everyone entering the building please check in at the front desk. 

School Choice Round 1 is Here

DPS School Choice round 1 begins today, 1/13. The window is open from January 13th at 10 A.M to February 14th. If your child is in ECE or 5th grade, you must fill out a school choice application to ensure they have a spot in the fall.   To participate in SchoolChoice, families submit one SchoolChoice application per student, on which they rank their top schools in order of preference, up to a limit of 12. DPS then uses a computer algorithm that matches students to schools based on those preferences, as well as school admission priorities and available space.  

DPS Choice Enrollment Link

Universal Preschool (UPK)

The process for applying to ECE is changing this year as we switch to Universal Preschool. This year, Colorado passed proposition EE, which grants all Colorado families to access 15 hours of early childhood education per week, per child. To apply for preschool for the 2023-24 school year, you must fill out both a UPK application and a DPS School Choice Application. 

Important Information about UPK Application Process

Complete the UPK app and make your school selections.

  • Submit income verification

Complete DPS SchoolChoice Round 1 application – There are no school selections– families will only select UPK.

  • Submit all documentation

DPS is not running its standard lottery and system for ECE4– the state-run UPK lottery will take its place.

There will be no waitlist for DPS SchoolChoice or UPK for ECE4 programs.

Click here for the UPK Website


We attempt to have outside recess every day when the weather allows. Please ensure your students have the proper clothing for cold and wet weather.

Message for Parents and Guardians

Family meetings

KINDER/1ST–TUESDAY, January 24th @ 2:15 PM in the Auditorium

2ND/3RD–Thursday, January 26th @ 2:15 PM in the Auditorium

4TH/5TH–Friday, January 27th @ 8:30 AM in the Auditorium

Student lunch visits

We welcome our parents and guardians to join their students for school lunch. Please check in prior to your student’s lunch time and check out at the end of their lunch period. 

Guardians’ student early pickup ends at 2:45 PM 

Please pick up your little learners before 2:45 or after 3:05.

Message From The Front Office

If your child is out ill, please make sure to leave a message on the school’s attendance line and not with the health office. 

The automated absence call goes out at 9:30. If you have called to excuse your child, please note you may still receive the absence phone call. You are welcome to call the front office if you have any questions. 

PEAK – Parents. Educators. Kids. Organization 

We were excited to welcome community members, Parents, and teachers.  Our goal is to build community through events for all and fundraising to support the school and our enrichment program.  Please join us for the next PEAK meeting on 1/18/22.

DPS Parent Links:

My School Bucks

Lunch Application

Parent Portal


Lunch Menu

DPS 2022-2023 Calendar

Montclair Calendar

Translation & Interpretation

To request translation and interpretation services, please contact your school’s main office. Click here to see a list of schools and contact information. For questions, please email or call 720-423-3767.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Be well,

Susan and AJ

Montclair School of Academics and Enrichment