
Three students posing with books

Our students learn through exciting, interesting and enriching experiences! We embrace our diversity and value equity. The Montclair community strives together for a common cause — the academic growth and social-emotional health of our students. Check us out!


In grades K – 3, we use the science of reading through Heggerty Phonics to teach foundational reading skills to our youngest learners and Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) for our curriculum.  We are currently a recipient of an Early Literacy Grant with the state of Colorado which provides funds to support growth and achievement in early literacy.

In grade 4 – 5, we utilize small group reading and writing instruction targeted at what students need and literature groups for more in depth studies and critical thinking.  We use the Expeditionary Learning curriculum for whole class instruction. This curriculum is built around authentic, worthy texts that give students the opportunity to dig deeply into academic topics that matter and help them make connections between their academic learning and the real world. 

Bridges Math

Bridges in Mathematics is a comprehensive ECE-5 curriculum endorsed by DPS and aligned to the Common Core State Standards. The curriculum focuses on developing student’s deep understanding of mathematical concepts, proficiency with key skills and ability to solve complex and novel problems. Bridges blends direct instruction, structured investigation, and open exploration to tap into the strengths of all learners by presenting material that is as linguistically, visually and kinesthetically rich as it is mathematically powerful.

Our students learn through exciting, interesting and enriching experiences! We embrace our diversity and value equity. The Montclair community strives together for a common cause — the academic growth and social-emotional health of our students. Check us out!

Gifted and Talented Programming

At Montclair we meet the needs of our gifted students in several ways. We use ability groups in each class so advanced and gifted students will have peers at their academic level with whom they can work on extensions, upper level curricula, etc. Our GT Coordinator offers weekly GT pull-out groups for identified students, talent pool students, as well as other advanced students that focus on rigorous academic tasks as well as curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, and SEL development. A, B and E weeks, GT pull out groups are in the afternoons; C and D weeks GT is in the morning. The GT teacher provides support to classroom teachers through regular collaboration and communication, in-class extension activities, co-teaching, and resource gathering as well as supporting staff in understanding best practices for gifted students. Our GT Coordinator works with teacher teams to support them in meeting the needs of their gifted students and has a robust bank of resources and content extensions available. The GT Coordinator works with teachers, equity specialists, and admin to work towards a representation of gifted students that is representative of our school demographics.

Montclair School of Academics and Enrichment