School Culture

At Montclair, we have high standards for student behavior through consistency in School-Wide Expectations.   

Montclair CARES!  We all strive to demonstrate CARES inside and outside the classroom.  Each grade level is expected to have a common whole class reward system for following these norms and individual reward system for following these norms.  Establishing and maintaining a consistent reward system and building relationships are the most critical strategies for creating a supportive and thriving classroom.  

Student posing with a ginger bread house






Class DOJO

Montclair uses Class Dojo, for keeping families informed of the wonderful things happening in the classroom, communicating with individual guardians, and keeping track of the points that students earn through meeting and going beyond classroom expectations.  We use Class Dojo as our PBIS (Positive Based Intervention System) to reward and honor students demonstrating CARES.  

Montclair School of Academics and Enrichment