Posted March 20, 2023
Dear Montclair Families…
Thank you to everyone who attended our PAC meeting last night to learn about Raising Media Smart Kids. We had an incredible turnout and the information was great. We will post the presentation on our website for all to see.
For our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders, CMAS Testing will begin this week on March 21st, 22nd and 23rd beginning at 8:30 each day. Thank you in advance to our families for ensuring your student is here on time, fed, and rested to try their very best.
State/DPS Assessments – CMAS
CMAS testing will begin on March 20th and will end on April 28th. The school testing calendar and detailed information will be provided on March 10th.
State summative assessments, such as CMAS and SAT, measure how well students are mastering the Colorado Academic Standards for their grades. These assessments provide valuable information for students, parents, and educators on how well a student is progressing academically to meet grade-level expectations, which is a key component to ensuring students are on track to graduate prepared for college and career.
We attempt to have outside recess every day when the weather allows. Please ensure your students have the proper clothing for cold and wet weather. This includes a hat, gloves, coat, and winter boots.
The Weather Channel
Saturday 18th Temp 43°/23° Mostly Sunny with a 1% Chance of Precipitation
Sunday 19th Temp 50°/27° Mostly Sunny with a 1% Chance of Precipitation
Please Remember:
For the safety of our school community, please have everyone entering the building check in at the front desk.
Pick-Up and Drop-Off
School starts at 8:00 AM
School doors will open at 7:55 AM
School ends at 3:05 PM.
If you are running late, please call the front office at 720-424-5380.
Guardians’ student early pickup ends at 2:45 PM
Please pick up your little learners before 2:45 or after 3:05.
Student lunch visits
We welcome our parents and guardians to join their students for school lunch. Please check in before your student’s lunchtime and check out at the end of their lunch period.
Messages From our Enrichment Team
Calling all young filmmakers:
The Clyfford Still Museum and Denver Film seek short films by filmmakers ages 1 to 18. We are looking for films on the concept of BIGNESS to complement CSM’s upcoming exhibition Awful Bigness. Think big landscapes, big ideas, and big feelings. Entries should be family-friendly and may use traditional filmmaking techniques, stop motion, digital animation, or abstract approaches to represent PEAK – Parents Educators, and KidsBIGNESS. You could document the life of a large tree in your neighborhood, zoom in and out on your favorite objects to show their scale, act out a big dream you have, or depict something that makes you feel big! The possibilities are endless; let your imagination take over!
Sign up here
PEAK – Parents Educators And Kids
We were excited to welcome community members, Parents, and teachers. Our goal is to build community through events for all and fundraising to support the school and our enrichment programs. On this month’s agenda; PTHV Celebration Organization, Dicks’s Soccer Game details, and committee organization for the 23-24 SY. F45 is a proud sponsor of Montclair PEAK
Little Dragon
Mar. 1st – May. 15th
(Good for Pick up orders only)
Phone: 303-322-0128
BRING or mention this flyer in to donate 20% of your order price to Montclair P.E.A.K.
Upcoming Events
March 18th – Spring Inspired Craft Day, Paint N’ Sit. Please arrive by 10:30 in order to participate in the painting events.
Hours – 10 am to 12 pm
Location – Montclair Lunchroom
Suggested Donation – $2.00
PEAK will provide all craft supplies, popcorn, and a juice box for the Paint N’ Sip!
Rapids, Rapids, Rapids!!!
Join us on May 13th for Montclair Night at the Colorado Rapids Soccer game more details to follow!
March 27th-March 31st- Spring Break!
Peak Sponsors
Message from our Mental Health Department
On this week’s episode of the EDUCA Podcast, we interviewed Libby Malone and Grant Van Pelt, nationally-certified school psychologists for DPS.
Hear from Libby and Grant (in Spanish) about DPS’ approach to mental health as well as Colorado’s overall plan for addressing mental health days.
DPS is committed to the mental and physical well-being of its students and staff and recognizes the impact that the mental health services team has within schools. Watch these important conversations in English and Spanish.
DPS Parent Links:
Parent Portal
Translation & Interpretation
To request translation and interpretation services, please contact your school’s main office. Click here to see a list of schools and contact information. For questions, please email or call 720-423-3767.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Be well,
Susan and AJ